Here at Going Places we have been slowly crafting our Community Living Agreements together. When we kicked off the community in February, we hadn't refined our community decision making process so the first month or so it was sometimes tricky to figure out how to move forward on something. Figuring out a decision making process was one of the first decisions we made together as a community. What we landed on is a system that allows us to gauge interest really quickly by offering literal thumbs ups for proposals we're excited about.
Tiny House 101 & Community & Zoning in Denver
This past weekend Lee Pera and I taught two workshops in Denver, CO through the Tiny House Collaborative. We teamed up with Culture Garden Market to use their incredible permaculture urban gardening store as our venue.
Good Magazine Looks at Tiny House Costs
Several weeks ago I was interviewed by Lauren Modery of Good Magazine for a piece on the true costs of building or buying and dwelling in a tiny house... She did a great job identifying the material costs, time costs, labor costs, and parking costs, many of which are glossed over when the media gets captivated by tiny homes.
Back to a Low-Car Lifestyle
Tiny House Fest Vermont Call for Tiny Houses
I'm already looking forward to the second Tiny House Fest Vermont which will be over Labor Day weekend. The Tiny House Collaborative will be leading a Tiny House 101 Workshop on Friday, September 1 and Saturday, September 2 and the fest is on Sunday, September 3. Can you join us?! Mark your calendar now to join in on the fun!Additionally, the coordinators of Tiny House Fest Vermont have put out a call for tiny houses to be available for tours at the event. If you (or someone you know) has a tiny house to share and show off at the Fest, read on and get in touch with the event organizers.
Community Projects & Maintenance Lists
Tiny For Two (T42) Photos
Yesterday was Beltane (AKA May Day) and it marked the one year anniversary of starting the build for our new tiny house, T42. To celebrate, we want to share photos with you! In mid-March, Kristina of Kristina Lynn Photography came to do a photo shoot. As I've hinted at in my Niche Newsletters, Kristina is a photographer who especially loves taking photos of people in their homes and recently she's become intrigued by tiny house dwellers. So it was an awesome opportunity to have her come shoot our little house. She captured some truly fabulous shots and we're excited to share them with you!
My Journey to Tiny Cohousing
Here at our tiny cohousing community, Going Places, we all share the main floor of the common house, which has a kitchen, dining room, living room, bathroom, and a flexible space called the Req Room (you Harry Potter fans out there know what we're talking about!) In addition to all this shared space, we also have two tiny houses on the property, The Lucky Penny and Tiny for Two (T42), which act as detached bedrooms.
Earth Day Texas Recap
his past weekend I had the opportunity to teach two sessions of the Tiny House Collaborative Tiny House Community & Zoning Workshop at Earth Day Texas (EDTx) in Dallas, Texas. Lee and I co-taught since BA was the coordinator for the tiny house village at the event.