Downsizing Tune Up

Downsizing Tune Up

As I packed up recently in preparation to travel cross country in my Honda Fit, I did some downsizing… It was harder than it had been during my last couple of moves because this time I had more stuff. I’d been living in a bigger space…My apartment was a studio, but it was still about 6 times bigger than the Lucky Penny! I talked with several people about the experience and a handful of them said “oh my goodness, I need to do more of that!” So I’ve decided to offer a 6-week Downsizing Tune Up…

2023 Review & 2024 Preview

2023 Review & 2024 Preview

I haven’t known how to start this update…

And yet, they say, that the place to begin is where you are.

Right now, at this moment, I’m in Walla Walla, WA at Valencia Cottage, the ground-bound small house that I purchased in my 20s, the house that taught me how to make home… And I have big adventures ahead of me. Last night I booked the plane ticket to my first international destination (Japan!) for my upcoming Round the World Trip!

My Apartment at Punalu'u

My Apartment at Punalu'u

On Tuesday, I moved from My Brattleboro Landing Pad into an apartment on the property of my friends Erin Maile O’Keefe and Kevin O’Keefe…Now Erin and Kevin live in their tiny, which is considered a detached bedroom by the town. The house is occupied by some great folks, too, and now I’m in the apartment, which means that I am once again living in a tiny house community. This is the third one I’ve lived in, after Simply Home Community and Going Places.

Tiny House Design (Online)

Tiny House Design (Online)

In early 2020 I traveled to Yestermorrow to teach the 3-day Tiny House Design at Yestermorrow (Feb 2020) course with my friend and colleague Erin Maile O’Keefe… It seems strange to think back on that now, how that was the way we always taught design classes, in real life and in close proximity. Amidst the global pandemic, we pivoted and by June we were able to offer a Tiny House Design (Online) course. It immediately filled and a waiting list was started.

Giving Thanks in 2020

Giving Thanks in 2020

I realized this morning when I woke up with four (mostly) unscheduled days ahead of me that a Thanksgiving blog post has become a bit of a tradition for me… I know for many people around the world this has been an extremely challenging year… And yet, I strongly believe that gratitude can be transformed into generosity and dedication to the wellbeing of our planet and its people. So let’s be grateful for what we can be and dedicated to creating more to be grateful for.

Working Remote(r)

Working Remote(r)

Yesterday marked 4 weeks since arriving at My Brattleboro Landing Pad, which means a month of working remote(r). I’ve found that there are some aspects of working remote(r) that I’ve really enjoyed and a few that are amusing. One of the amusements is that I can’t commiserate about the weather with my colleagues because we’re not experiencing the same weather. So now we compare notes on the weather instead.

My Brattleboro Landing Pad

My Brattleboro Landing Pad

Three weeks ago when I arrived in Brattleboro I landed at a furnished apartment that was created in the home of a friend-of-a-friend. In Portland, OR this would have been called a Carve Out Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU), but here it’s known as an apartment-in-home. With door that separates these rooms from the rest of the house, an exterior entrance, and the addition of a kitchenette it’s a sweet little living space.

A Perfect Vermont Fall Day

A Perfect Vermont Fall Day

This past week I added several new things to my fall associations list, in the New England category: the sight of red sugar maple leaves against blue sky, the taste of fresh apple cider donuts, the smell of walks in deciduous woods during senescence, and the feel of blankets draped around me to extend outdoor hang outs. There’s also my friends finding gargantuan edible mushrooms and putting up apple butter and gifting both.

The Home Stretch

The Home Stretch

Raffi and I woke up in Rochester, NY yesterday morning and set the GPS coordinates for Brattleboro, VT. After nine days on the road, Brattleboro Bound, it was neat to have the final destination be the next one. We had said Bye Bye Walla Walla, traveled through Big Sky Country, saw Rainbow Land & Rainbow Sky and appreciated some Mideastern Hospitality. Finally, we were on the Home Stretch of our crosscountry journey.

Mideastern Hospitality

Mideastern Hospitality

I’m Brattleboro Bound and by the time I’d said Bye Bye Walla Walla, made it through Big Sky Country and South Dakota (which I discovered was Rainbow Land & Rainbow Sky) the Midwest felt like it was very far indeed from the West Coast. I understand why it was dubbed the Midwest long ago, but perhaps a renaming is in order because it’s certainly to the east of middle. It’s really the Mideast. Or perhaps the Eastern Middle. But that Midwestern hospitality I’d heard about? That’s a real thing.