The week before last I caught a ride to our state capitol Salem, OR with Kol Peterson... We went to the Oregon Residential & Manufactured Structures Board to testify regarding the provisions drafted by BCD regarding HB 2737 - the small housing bill in Oregon. I can't make it tomorrow so instead I sent the following letter today.
ADU Design Workshop Fall 2017
This past weekend I taught another round of the ADU Design Workshop through Portland Community College. Nine students from Portland and the surrounding Metro area participated in the workshop this weekend, bringing projects ranging from garage and basement conversions to backyard cottages, additions, and renovation of a pole barn. Some of them had relevant professional backgrounds (appraising, real estate, amateur drafting) and some of them were brand new to design, development, and building.
ADU & Tiny House Design Classes at PCC
Have you been dreaming about an ADU or tiny house for years now? If these long rainy days have you noodling and doodling, come join us for a design class to start making it more real! Fall is a great time to begin your design process if you'd like to get your project launched this coming spring or summer. This Fall Term I'm teaching two fun weekend design classes through Portland Community College!
Tiny House Jamboree 2017
I had a great time getting inspired by people in the Pro Session I facilitated on Friday and the Design Tips & Tricks session I presented twice on Saturday. On Sunday I really enjoyed picking the brains of people living in vans and skoolies and attending sessions like the Diversity Panel at the Village Stage and Courtney Carver's Project 333 presentation. I spent most of Sunday morning exploring tiny houses in DIY Village with new pals Kim and Stephanie, whom I'd met in my sessions.
Skeletons in the Code Closet: Obsolescence & Opportunity in Trailer Home Regulation
This paper was originally written by Lina Menard of Niche Consulting LLC in June of 2012 as a term paper for a course she took as part of her Masters of Urban and Regional Planning Masters program at Portland State University. The course, USP 510: Planning & The Housing Market, taught by Dr. Lisa Bates, focused on the intersection between planning, regulation, and affordable housing. This version of the paper was updated in January 2015.
Tiny House Eviction Stay Guidelines
Well, that was a nice 48 hours of elation before the details came out about Portland's Declared Stay on Tiny House Evictions! Turns out there's a limit of one tiny house or RV per residence, which means no tiny house communities. Oh, sadness! In a nutshell, while the city is figuring out permanent regulations regarding tiny houses, they won't enforce Title 29.50.050 (which prohibits occupation of recreational vehicles) as long as:
Portland Declares Stay on Tiny House Evictions
Yesterday Portland City Commissioner Chloe Eudaly declared a stay on evicting people from tiny houses, RVs, and tents on private property! It has been illegal for people to occupy tiny homes in Portland, OR according to 29.50.050 Illegal Residential Occupancy, a snippet of code in the Portland Maintenance Code. Portland declared a state of emergency for housing two years ago and there was a recognition that it was backwards to be kicking people out of the affordable housing options they'd created for themselves. So yesterday Commissioner Eudaly agreed to Leaven Community's request that we be supported as we step out of the shadows. She announced they'll work with us to figure out a long-term regulatory solution and meanwhile they're going to stop enforcing Title 29.
Our Sweet, Simple, Co-Created Wedding
Three weeks ago today I married the love of my life in a sweet, simple, co-created celebration at the Mt Tabor Ampitheater here in Portland, OR. I first met Isha because he showed up on my doorstep when he came on a tour of Simply Home Community, the tiny cohousing community where I was living in my vardo, The Lucky Penny. The tiny house next door to mine was for rent and he was interested in downsizing from his 300 SF condo to a tiny house, so he soon became The Guy Next Door.
Journaling Outloud
This summer was such a lovely season in my good little life, beginning with my annual business retreat at Breitenbush Hot Springs with my college roommate and wrapping up with our wedding!
Getting Neighborly
One of the things I learned when I went to one of Dee Williams' workshops (and which I've emphasized in every workshop I've taught, too, because as usual Dee was right!) is the importance of being a good neighbor if you're a tiny house dweller. So we invited everyone on our end of the block to c'mon over for snacks, drinks, and house tours last night and... ALL the neighbors showed up! We had a splendid time visiting with our neighbors, hearing about their homes and projects and lives, learning more about our neighborhood history (even on a geological timeline!), and watching the dogs romp with PieHead.